Authors Interview on BirdCallsRadio
July 20, 2017, 9AM , EDT
Listen to our interview with Mardi Dickinson on BirdCallsRadio. We talk about writing the book and some of our personal experiences and insights. Want to learn more about birding in NYC and on Long Island? Tune in to BirdCallsRadio and get the inside scoop!
Page Six by Cindy Adams
June 14, 2016
New York Post Columnist Cindy Adams had a wonderful time on an NYC Audubon Sunset Eco-Cruise and wrote about the experience. In the course of the article, she had this to say, "Into birding? Know 400 species populate NYC. Wait. There’s even cedar waxwings and great crested flycatchers. Plus we got us chestnut-sided warblers and merlins. See an American redstart. A black skimmer. A Wilson’s warbler. Visit my terrace and mix with my nesting mourning dove family.
Better yet, read 'Birdwatching in New York City and on Long Island' by Deborah Rivel and Kellye Rosenheim."
Look Up and See! New York Review of Books
June 23, 2016
Robert O. Paxton reviewed Leslie Day's Field Guide to the Neighborhood Birds of New York City, and, in a general way, described the exciting urban birding scene we New Yorkers enjoy. He also said, "A list of the best places in New York City for finding birds appears at the end of [Ms. Day's] book, but without discussion of their special features or directions for getting to them. For this one can use Deborah Rivel and Kellye Rosenheim, Birdwatching in New York City and on Long Island."
Audubon New York interviews Deb!
July 22, 2016
Read a great piece about Deborah Rivel on Audubon New York's website, that enthuses, "Her book...is currently one of the most comprehensive field guides for bird enthusiasts in the New York City area. And I really mean it. It’s not only about what to look for and where, but also how to get there by public transportation and even where to find a restroom and the best spots to grab a snack."